Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
- Volume 10 Issue 2
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- Pages.104-108
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- 2008
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- 2508-691X(pISSN)
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- 2508-6960(eISSN)
Common Trunk Anomalies Associated with Hemifacial Spasm
반얼굴연축과 관련된 공통줄기기형
- Kim, Seonhye (Department of Neurology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
- Ryoo, Jae Wook (Department of Radiology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
Choi, Dae Seob
(Department of Radiology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
- Cho, Jae Min (Department of Radiology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
- Kang, Kyusik (Department of Neurology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
Kang, Hee Young
(Department of Neurology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
- Park, Ki-Jong (Department of Neurology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
Choi, Nack-Cheon
(Department of Neurology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
Kwon, Oh-Young
(Department of Neurology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
- Lim, Byeong Hoon (Department of Neurology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine)
- 김선혜 (경상대학교 의학전문대학원 신경과학교실) ;
- 유재욱 (경상대학교 의학전문대학원 영상의학과학교실) ;
(경상대학교 의학전문대학원 영상의학과학교실) ;
- 조재민 (경상대학교 의학전문대학원 영상의학과학교실) ;
- 강규식 (경상대학교 의학전문대학원 신경과학교실) ;
(경상대학교 의학전문대학원 신경과학교실) ;
- 박기종 (경상대학교 의학전문대학원 신경과학교실) ;
(경상대학교 의학전문대학원 신경과학교실) ;
(경상대학교 의학전문대학원 신경과학교실) ;
- 임병훈 (경상대학교 의학전문대학원 신경과학교실)
- Received : 2008.05.29
- Accepted : 2008.11.28
- Published : 2008.12.31
Background: The compression of 7th cranial nerve by arteries is one of the various causes of hemifacial spasm (HFS). A few previous studies were revealed the relation between the compression of 7th cranial nerve and common trunk anomaly. We evaluated the common trunk anomalies in patients with HFS using MRI and MRA. Methods: From January 2001 to December 2005, 41 consecutive patients (9 men, mean age