재료동특성에 기초한 방사성물질 운반용기 충격완충체의 치수최적설계

Size Optimization of Impact Limiter in Radioactive Material Transportation Package Based on Material Dynamic Characteristics

  • 발행 : 2008.09.01


According to IAEA regulations, a transportation package of radioactive material should perform its intended function of containing the radioactive contents after the drop test, which is one of hypothetical accident conditions. Impact limiters attached to a transport cask absorb the most of impact energy. So, it is appreciated to determine properly the shape, size and material of impact limiters. A material data needed in this determination is a dynamic one. In this study, several materials considered as those of impact limiters were tested by a drop weight facility to acquire dynamic material characteristics data. Impact absorbing volume of the impact limiter was derived mathematically for each drop condition. A size optimization of impact limiter was conducted. The derived impact absorbing volumes were applied as constraints. These volumes should be less than critical volumes generated based on the dynamic material characteristics. The derived procedure to decide the shape of impact limiter can be useful at the preliminary design stage when the transportation package's outline is roughly determined and applied as input value.
