보존과학회지 (Journal of Conservation Science)
- 제23권
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- Pages.11-24
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- 2008
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- 1225-5459(pISSN)
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- 2287-9781(eISSN)
익산 미륵사지석탑 화강암의 풍화에 의한 물리화학적 특성변화
Physicochemical Variation by Weathering Degree of Granite from the Mireuksaji Temple Stone Pagoda, Iksan, Korea
- 양희제 (국립문화재연구소 미륵사지석탑 보수정비사업 보존과학팀) ;
(국립문화재연구소 보존과학연구실) ;
(국립문화재연구소 보존과학연구실) ;
(공주대학교 문화재보존과학과)
- Yang, Hee-Jae (Conservation Science Team of Mireuksaji Stone Pagoda Preservation Plan, National Research Institute of Culture Heritage) ;
Han, Min-Su
(Conservation Science Division, National Research Institute of Culture Heritage) ;
Kim, Sa-Dug
(Conservation Science Division, National Research Institute of Culture Heritage) ;
Lee, Chan-Hee
(Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation Sciences, Kongu National University)
- 투고 : 2008.05.29
- 심사 : 2008.07.30
- 발행 : 2008.09.20
미륵사지석탑의 보존처리를 위해 화강암의 풍화에 따른 물리적 성능시험과 화학적 조성변화를 검토하였다. 자연 풍화된 미륵산 화강암을 수습하여 풍화상태에 따른 분류기준과 암석해머시험에 따라 강도를 구분하였다. 비 파괴 암석해머시험 강도와 초음파 속도를 비교한 결과, 각각의 강도 측정값은 비례하였다. 시료의 흡수율은 1.68~0.20%이며 신선한 F-형은 자연 포화되지 않았고 WW-형은 자연 포화되었으나 시간이 많이 소요되었다. 흡수율은 풍화정도에 따라 SW-형, MW-형, HW-형으로 가며 순차적으로 증가했다. CW-형은 풍화단계 시료들 중에서 흡수현상이 현저하게 달랐다. 염색시험에서는 F-형과 WW-형의 경우 정장석만이 염색되었고, SW-형과 MW-형에서는 사장석의 염색이 특징적이었으며 HW-형과 CW-형은 석영의 균열부로 염색이 확장되었다. 분류기준에 따른 조암광물의 변화는 3등급으로 대별할 수 있다. XRD 분석결과, 조암광물 중 알바이트가 현저하게 감소되었다. SEMEDX로 조암광물 중 흑운모, 사장석, 정장석을 구성하는 성분의 평균변화를 관찰한 결과, 신선한 시료에 비하여 풍화도가 높은 시료에서 흑운모는
A physical characteristics and chemical compositions change by weathering on the granite were examined for the conservation treatment of the Mireuksaji temple stone pagoda. The natural weathered granite was collected from the Mt. Mireuk, and divided into the classification standards based on weathering degrees and strength measured by rock-test hammer. The results from comparison of the strength measured by undestructive rock-test hammer and the strength values converted from ultrasonic velocity showed that each strength measurement value was proportionate. The water absorption of the sample was 1.68 to 0.20%. The F-type of fresh rock was not naturally saturated and the WW-type was naturally saturated but took quite a long time. The water absorption was increased gradually in order of SW-type, the MW-type and the HW-type according to weathering condition. The CW-type samples showed the highest water absorption among the weathered classification samples. Through dyeing test, it was found out that only the feldspar was dyed out of the F-type and the WW-type. The SW-type and the MW-type were distinguished by the fact that plagioclase being dyed. And dyed area was expanded to quartz crack in HW-type and CW-type. Physical change by weathering of the rock-forming minerals could be classified with 3 grades. Through the XRD analysis, albite among the rock-forming mineral showed remarkable decrease. SEM-EDX analysis of the component change in the rock-forming minerals such as biotite, plagioclase, and orthoclase, showed that in case of highly-weathered grade samples compared with fresh samples, contents of the