흙댐의 누수구역 판별을 위한 온도 모니터링 자료의 해석

Analysis of temperature monitoring data for leakage detection of earth dam

  • 오석훈 (강원대학교 지구시스템공학과) ;
  • 서백수 (강원대학교 지구시스템공학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.31


Temperature variation according to space and time on the inner parts of engineering constructions(e.g.: dam, slope) can be a basic information for diagnosing their safety problem. In general, as constructions become superannuated, structural deformation(e.g.: cracks, defects) could be occurred by various factors. Seepage or leakage of water through these cracks or defects in old dams will directly cause temperature anomaly. Groundwater level also can be easily observed by abrupt change of temperature on the level. This study shows that the position of seepage or leakage in dam body can be detected by multi-channel temperature monitoring using thermal line sensor. For this, diverse temperature monitoring experiments for a leakage physical model were performed in the laboratory. In field application of an old earth fill dam, temperature variations for water depth and for inner parts of boreholes located at downstream slope were measured. Temperature monitoring results for a long time at the bottom of downstream slope of the dam showed the possibility that temperature monitoring can provide the synthetic information about flowing path and quantity of seepage of leakage in dam body.
