고정된 바깥반경에 기준한 pin 핀의 최적화

Optimization of a Pin Fin Based on Fixed Outer Radius

  • 강형석 (강원대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 최수근 (한국폴리텍 VI대학 (포항캠퍼스) 컴퓨터응용기계과)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.31


A cylindrical pin fin with variable fin base thickness is optimized based on fixed outer radius by using the one dimensional analytic method. Heat loss from the pin fin with fixed outer radius is presented as a function of the fin length. The ratio of in length for optimum heat loss to that for the maximum heat loss is listed. The maximum heat loss and effectiveness and the fin length for the optimum heat loss are presented as a function of fin base thickness and outer radius. One of the results presents the maximum effectiveness decreases rapidly first and then decreases slowly as the fin outer radius increases.
