무릎 관절각을 이용한 무릎 근육 길이와 모멘트 암 추정

Estimation of Knee Muscle Length and Moment Arm Using Knee Joint Angle

  • 이재강 (강원대학교 2단계BK21) ;
  • 남윤수 (강원대학교 기계메카트로닉스공학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


Recently, lots of studies are performed in developing of active orthosis. Exact and simple muscle force estimation is important in developing orthosis which assists muscle force for disabled people or physical laborers. Hill-type muscle model dynamics is common method for estimation of muscle forces. In Hill-type muscle model, we must know muscle length and moment arm which largely affect muscle force. And several methods are proposed to estimate muscle length and moment arm using joint angle. In this study, we compared estimation results of those method with data from body model of opensim to find which method is exact for estimation of muscle length and moment arm.
