Differences of Antioxidative Level in the Leaves and Seed Germinability among Five Natural Populations of Hibiscus hamabo

  • Han, Sim-Hee (Forest Seed Research Center, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Chan-Soo (Warm-Temperate Forest Research Center, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Du-Hyun (Department of Forest Genetic Resources, Korea Forest Research Institute)
  • Published : 2008.06.30


Variations in antioxidant capacity of leaves and characteristics of seed germination among five Hibiscus hamabo populations in Korea were evaluated. While the leaves of H. hamabo from Shincheon contained highest Na concentration, those from Hado and Ohzo does lowest. MDA content and SOD activity didn't show significant difference among populations, but total protein and anthocyanin content were significantly different among five populations. The filled seed rates of five populations were ranged from 92.0 to 98.7%, and the moisture contents of seeds from Shinyang and Soando were lower than that of R. syriacus (5.18%). The fresh weights of H. hamabo from Hado and Ohzo were the highest and those of seeds from Shinyang and Soando were the lowest. Significant variations among H. hamabo populations were detected for all seed germination characters: percentage of germination, average germination time and germination rate and uniformity. SOD activities of seeds from Onpyoung and Soando were the highest of five populations, and total protein concentrations of seeds in Ohzo and Shinyang populations were higher than those of other populations. H. hamabo is considered exposed to salt stress and all characteristics of seed germinations were inferior to other species.



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