참치자숙액 추출물 중의 히스티딘계 저분자 펩타이드 및 산화촉진물질 함량에 미치는 추출방법의 영향

Effects of Extraction Method on the Histidine Containing Low Molecular Weight Peptide and Pro-oxidants Contents of Tuna Boiled Extracts

  • 강옥주 (경남대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Kang, Ok-Ju (Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences Kyungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


In an effort to augment extractability of carnosine and anserine at the levels of pro-oxidants such as iron and protein in Tuna boiled extracts(Skipjack, Yellowfin and Bigeye), we assessed the effects of heated and ion exchange chromatography(IEC) and ultrafiltration(UF) using a MW 500 cut-off(500 MWCO). We also evaluated the antioxidant activity of these extracts processed as free radical scavengers and reducing agents. Tuna boiled extracts of dark and ordinary muscle protein and total iron were reduced, whereas carnosine and anserine concentrations and antioxidant activity were increased. The carnosine and anserine concentrations of the ion exchange and permeate UF(IEC-UF) extracts were higher than those observed in the heated and permeate UF(heat-UF), whereas the protein and total iron contents were lower than that observed in the heat-UF. The quantity of carnosine and anserine in ordinary muscle was higher than that detected in dark muscle. HPLC analysis and SDS-PAGE were shown to removes the effect of UF on high molecular weight impurities in the tuna boiled extracts. The major free amino acids(FFAs) from Skipjack, Yellowfin and Bigeye tuna IEC-UF extracts were anserine, histidine and carnosine. These three peptides constituted more than 80~85%. of the detected amino acid. The IEC-UF treated ordinary muscle extracts evidenced the highest levels of DPPH radical scavenging activity and the highest levels of reducing power among the various extracts. The IEC-UF extracts evidenced a DPPH radical scavenging effect equal to that of 1mM ascorbic acid.



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