A Study on the Construction Process and Design Characteristics of Korean Pavilion in Paris 1900 Exposition Universelle in Korean Modern Architecture

근대 초기 파리만국박람회(1900) "한국관"의 건축과정과 초기설계안의 디자인 특성에 관한 연구

  • 진경돈 (백제예술대학, 동경대학 대학원 건축학) ;
  • 박미나 (동경대학 대학원 공학계 연구과 건축학)
  • Published : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study is to clarify the historical circumstances under which the Korean Pavilion was established at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle, and the construction process and design features of the pavilion building. At that time, even though Korea faced difficulty due to lack of experience in the world exposition and funds, Korea attempted to positively participate in the international cultural event by establishing the Korean Pavilion under an official contract with assistance of the French Government. Moreover, the Pavilion shows significant architectural features which had not been shown until then in terms of the structure and design of the pavilion building. In this connection, in this thesis, among others, the historical circumstances under which the "Korean Pavilion" was established at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle, and the construction process as well as the process and features of the draft design prepared at an early stage by Baron Delort de Gleon on the part of France among the above parties to the project for construction of the Korean Pavilion, which have never been addressed in the field of architecture or interior due to lack of existing data, will be clearly studied based on relevant literatures. According to analysis of the study, it reveals that the representation method for the Korean tradition of Korean Pavilion designed by Baron Delort de Gleon was based on the Chinoiserie, the style widely seen in Europe. In addition, Delort de Glean's commerce-oriented concept is integrated into the design of the Korean Pavilion as well.



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