This paper presents a new approach of recognizing a 3D object using a single camera, based on the extended convex hull of its silhouette. It aims at minimizing the DB size and simplifying the processes for matching and feature extraction. For this purpose, two concepts are introduced: extended convex hull and measurable region. Extended convex hull consists of convex curved edges as well as convex polygons. Measurable region is the cluster of the viewing vectors of a camera represented as the points on the orientation sphere from which a specific set of surfaces can be measured. A measurable region is represented by the extended convex hull of the silhouette which can be obtained by viewing the object from the center of the measurable region. Each silhouette is represented by a relation graph where a node describes an edge using its type, length, reality, and components. Experimental results are included to show that the proposed algorithm works efficiently even when the objects are overlapped and partially occluded. The time complexity for searching the object model in the database is O(N) where N is the number of silhouette models.