디지털 문자 판독기술을 적용한 선적요청서 데이터의 효율적인 유통지원

Efficient distribution support of Shipping Request Data based on Digitalized Character Recognition

  • Park, Joon-Hyuk (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Seokyeong) ;
  • Goh, Hyun-Woo (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Seokyeong)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


Nowaday the supply chain competitiveness is emphasized more and more than a company's own competitiveness. One of the most important processes in import and export is a publication over the Bill of Loading. In the publication of those bills S/R(shipping request) and check B/L for reviewing are circulated among consignors, forwarders, shipping companies and airlines by fax and e-mail. Or there should be expensive a One to One system, like an EDI. Each party has to re-input S/R data to their own systems and check it several times. The S/R data are converted digital to analog type and analog to digital repeatedly to check in the process. As the process goes by there can be not only input data errors but also waste of time and cost. ECR(electronic character recognition) is a technology can solve the Problem. Considering the data structure of documents in many systems used ECR samples SIR data from documents written in the digital type. But it is not enough with it only. To make N to N composition in reality more efficient we make a documents hub on the web reengineering the existing process to One to One relation. The ECR documents hub system has given us beneficial effects over a year throughout a field test.



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