A Study on the Evaluation of Multi-dimensional ASP Service Quality and Its Effects on User Satisfaction and Perceived Firm Performance

다차원 ASP 서비스 품질 평가와 고객만족, 인식된 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

  • Published : 2008.06.30


Quality has long been considered as an important factor in creating competitive advantage, and researches on quality have not been limited to off-line products but actively extended to e-services and information goods. However, given the nature of multi-dimensional aspect of quality, the systematic study on the quality of online service is still in its early stage. Especially, studies on the quality of ASP services have been rare in academic and professional journals despite the growth of ASP industry in its size and the rapid expansion in the range of application. In this paper we clarified the multi-dimensional quality aspects of the ASP service using a Garvin's framework (1984) which encompasses the service aspects of Products, and developed a measurement model for ASP service qualify. Then we empirically tested the effects of ASP service quality on user satisfaction and perceived firm performance using the data from 240 Korean small firms with less than 50 employees that had experienced the ASP service. Our results show that there are positive relationships among ASP service quality and personal performance, user satisfaction and perceived firm performance, and that product and service-related aspects of ASP service exert differential effects on performance measures so that the product-related aspects of the ASP service such as performance, features, reliability and conformance are considered to be more important in evaluating benefits from ASP services. Contrary to the approaches In literature where only the quality of online services is evaluated, our results emphasize the importance of differentiating Product and service-related aspects of ASP service and provide a basis for more comprehensive evaluation of ASP service quality.



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