Butein의 Jurkat T 림포마 세포에서 발현되는 세포괴사 효과

Butein-Induced Apoptosis in Human T Lymphoma Jurkat Cells

  • Kim, Na-young (Children's Hospital Boston, Department of Medicine, and Harvard Medical School, Department of Pediatrics)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


Butein is a one of polyphenolic compound widely available in numerous plants. It has broad biological activities including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, which contributed to its protective effects against cancer. Evidences that butein influence proliferation of tumor cells make it important to determine how butein affects cell death of various cancers. In this study, we show that butein, a phenolic compound, induces apoptosis in human T lymphoma jurkat cells. We found that treatment of cells with butein increased apoptosis in a dose- and time- dependent manner as determined by staining cells with Annexin V and 7AAD. There was no significant apoptotic cell death when normal lymphocytes and monocytes from healthy donor were treated with butein. We also found caspase-3 activity was increased during butein-induced apoptosis. The buteininduced apoptotic cell death was blocked by the treatment of cells with caspase-3 inhibitor. These results indicate that butein has the potential to provide an effective strategy against cancer with the advantage of being widely avalible.



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