대한한의학방제학회지 (Herbal Formula Science)
- 제16권1호
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- Pages.169-183
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- 2008
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- 1229-1218(pISSN)
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- 2288-5641(eISSN)
신체부위별 측정변인에 따른 경신강지환16의 비만 개선효과 평가
Clinical efficacy of Gyeongshingangjeehwan16 according to obeisty related to measurement variables.
(동의대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실) ;
(동의대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실) ;
- 최승배 (동의대학교 자연과학대학 데이터정보학과) ;
(목원대학교 바이오건강학부) ;
(동의대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실)
Jung, Yang-Sam
(Department of Formula Sciences, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
Yoon, Ki-Hyeon
(Department of Formula Sciences, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
- Choi, Seung-Bae (Department of Data Information Sciences, Dongeui University) ;
Yoon, Mi-Chung
(Department of Life Sciences, Mokwon University) ;
Shin, Soon-Shik
(Department of Formula Sciences, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
- 발행 : 2008.06.30
In this study, we measured body mass index, visceral fat ratio and 6 parts of body, neck circumference, circumference of upper arm, chest circumference, abdomen circumference, hip circumference, and thigh circumference by bioimpedence analysis system, after taking Gyeongshingangjeehwan16 (GGEx16) in five months except the first period before taking GGEx16 on 49 women who are obesity or high-level obesity. In order to examine the significance test for the effect of obesity improvement of GGEx16, we practices repeated measure ANOVA with values of measurement variables in 6 monthly times. As a result of all measurement variables, there were significant difference (P-value=0.001). Therefore, we can say that GGEx16 is effective about obesity improvement. As it dramatically decreased between second measure period and first measure period for all measure variables, we can see that there were the most effect of GGEx16 in the first time after taking GGEx16. It is known that a important measurement variable to have a effect for obesity improvement about two variable which are body mass index and visceral fat ratio is waist circumference through correlation analysis. The result of whether there are differences to effect of obesity improvement for GGEx16 around the climacteric, there were significant difference for the effect of obesity improvement for GGEx16 around the climacteric about all parts of body (P-value=0.001). There were also powerfully difference in effect of obesity improvement for GGEx16 around the climacteric about all parts of body (P-value=0.001). Especially, the climacteric before is more effective than the climacteric after in the aspect of the effect of GGEx16.