대한한의학방제학회지 (Herbal Formula Science)
- 제16권1호
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- Pages.15-27
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- 2008
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- 1229-1218(pISSN)
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- 2288-5641(eISSN)
동의보감(東醫寶鑑) 중(中) 지각(枳殼)이 주약(主藥)으로 배오(配伍)된 방제(方劑)의 활용(活用)에 대한 고찰(考察)
A study on Applications of prescriptions including Fructus Ponciri Seu Aurantii as a main component in Dongeuibogam
- 유승훈 (원광대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실) ;
- 임영환 (상지대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실) ;
- 유승열 (상지대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실) ;
(원광대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실)
- Ryu, Seong-Hun (Department of Oriental Medical Prescription, Wonkwang University) ;
- Lim, Young-Hwan (Department of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University) ;
- Ryou, Seung-Youl (Department of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University) ;
Yun, Young-Gab
(Department of Oriental Medical Prescription, Wonkwang University)
- 발행 : 2008.06.30
This report describes 46 studies related to the use of Fructus Ponciri Seu Aurantii main blended prescriptions from Dongeuibogam. The following conclusions were reached through investigations on the prescriptions that use Fructus Ponciri Seu Aurantii as a key ingredient. 1. 19.6% of feces recorded the largest number of clinical frequency of the prescriptions in therapeutic use when Fructus Ponciri Seu Aurantii was taken as a monarch drug in prescriptions. In addition, 13.0% of each of a cough and an abdominal mass with distention and pain ranked second. 2. Prescriptions that utilize Fructus Ponciri Seu Aurantii as the main ingredient are used in the treatmeant of 5 diseases related to each of feces and an abdominal mass with distention and pain, and they are also used for treating different types of diseases related to the following ; a cough, a chest, ribs, eyes, the fullness in the chest, Qi, skin areas. 3. In the view of the causative agent of a disease, the prescriptions which are compounded with Fructus Ponciri Seu Aurantii as a monarch drug are related to endogenous agents such as seven emotion, food, deficiency, exogenous agents such as wind-cold pathogen, heat and non-endo-exopathogcnic factors like diseases due to external factors, poison. And in the view of the pathology of a disease, they are applied to the viscera pathology related to the lung, the spleen and stomach, the pathology of Qi and blood related to the reversed flow of Qi, the congestion of Qi, the deficiency of blood, the obstruction of Qi and blood, and the pathology about the retention of phlegm and fluid related to phlegm stagnation. 4. The dosage of Fructus Ponciri Seu Aurantii is 1.25pun(about 0,47g) to 2jeon(about 7.5g), however 1jeon(about 3.75g) has been taken the most for clinical application. 5. We can find out that according to herbs or prescriptions blended with itself, Fructus Ponciri Seu Aurantii makes a variety of functions to penetrate and remove stagnation, regulate Qi flow, relieve stagnation, expell wind and get rid of pain.