The Application and Development Method of Construction Lines for Conceptions of Clothes Design

의상디자인 발상을 위한 구성선의 응용과 전개방법

  • Kong, Mi-Ran (Dept. of Clothing and Textile, Kunsan University)
  • Received : 2008.09.23
  • Accepted : 2008.12.22
  • Published : 2008.12.31


In today's world where a preference for prestigious brands prevails, it's essential to have creative design conceptions rather than try simple mimicking or following in order to be recognized for creative and objective design works. In that sense, the development of clothes design using construction lines offers a great approach towards the ideas of reinterpreting and creating new designs since it creates new forms by understanding lines as signs of conception and transforming them. That approach allows a designer to improve his or her imagination, creativity and expression in a freer and richer manner, think of many original ideas through diverse changing processes, and develop the skill to visualize the ideas by incorporating geometric forms of abstract lines into clothes. When approaching the conception of clothes design from the standpoint of construction lines, you need to adopt more specific and systematic design methods instead of vague imagination to introduce simple facts or theories to a new design process. That's one of the ways you can approach clothes design easily and enhance your conception skills. The process of clothes design according to the conception of construction lines is composed of the following stages; the preparation stage involves an understanding of the principles and the entire process of clothes design conception based on construction lines; the idea stage requires a designer to make free alterations of the given basic construction lines by moving and replacing the lines and sides in diverse ways; in the creation and expression stage, the designer uses the newly reconstructed construction lines to create clothes design; and in the evaluation stage, the designer makes a presentation of his or her subjective design works and has his or her works assessed and tested in an objective fashion. In today's modern society that demands new and original globalized design, the results of the study will help to invigorate the development of new fashion design in a more systematic and practical manner by suggesting a feasible and gradual educational program for the development of design based on the technique of construction lines.



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