A Study of Psychopaths' Make-up Coordination Expressed on the Slasher Films

슬래셔 영화에 나타난 사이코패스의 분장 코디네이션 연구

  • 장미숙 (한국국제대학교 미용예술학과)
  • Received : 2008.01.15
  • Accepted : 2008.06.10
  • Published : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this paper is to show how psychopaths' psychological factors are expressed on the characters' visual styles in the make-up coordination of slasher films. Psychopath is an ordinary person who has suffered some terrible trauma (humiliation, the death of a loved one, rape, psychological abuse), and features a disorder that consists of multiple components ranging on the emotional, interpersonal, and behavioral spectrum. Slasher films are sub genre of horror films that psychopathy characters, namely, Leather Face, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Kenny Hampson, Harry Warden, Freddy Kruger and Billy kill the unfamiliar victims by cruel weapons with mercilessly. Their aesthetic characteristics of make-up coordination were shown in concealment, cruelty and suggestion. The concealment was presented by killers' masks, the cruelty was represented by their weapons, and the suggestion, especially space-time and status was depicted by their garments.



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