The Evaluation on Functionality with Material-improved Working Uniform of Construction Field

소재개선에 따른 건설현장 작업복 착의기능성 평가

  • Kim, Seong-Suk (Dept. of Clothing & textiles, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, Hee-Eun (Dept. of Clothing & textiles, Kyungpook National University)
  • Received : 2007.04.12
  • Published : 2008.04.30


The purpose of this study is to examine the functionality with material-improved working uniform(protocol, P) and current working uniform(control, C). Movement functionality evaluation of material-improved working uniform was carried out through sensory evaluation of working uniform. And Oxygen uptake was explored to different working uniform(P, C) in relation to a physiological functionality measurement. The results have been shown as follows: It was found that the workers feel uncomfortable with the parts of the wrist, the back width, the shoulder seam and the side in the current working uniform when they move their arms up and down, but the inconvenience has been reduced in the material-improved working uniform. And It was found that the workers feel uncomfortable with the parts of the back width, the wrist and the side seam of the jacket, and the waist, the hips and the thigh of the trousers in the current working uniform when they move their waist, but the inconvenience has been reduced in the material-improved working uniform. In the current working uniform, it was also found that they feel uncomfortable with the parts of the horse riding position in which they stand straight in their slightly bended knees, with the parts of the hips, the side seam, the thigh and the knees when they crouch down, and with the parts of the hips and the thigh when they put one of their legs onto a higher place. However, the inconvenience was reduced in the material-improved working uniform. Oxygen uptake, which was measured to assess physiological dressing functionality, was found to be higher when people work in an uncomfortable uniform than when they work in a uniform of better functionality by an increase in metabolic rate, which can be a cause of workers' inefficiency of fatigue.



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