18세기 하이힐 디자인의 특성 및 연대추정에 관한 연구

Characteristic Analysis and Dating Guidance of European High Heeled Shoes Design in the 18th Century

  • 김선아 (혜천대학 코디네이션디자인계열)
  • Kim, Sun-Ah (School of Coordination Design, Hyechon College)
  • 투고 : 2008.01.22
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristic analysis and to date guidance of European high heeled shoes in 18th century. The research was conducted by stylistic analysis of high heeled shoes from literature review and museums resource. 14 comparative study on shoe objects dating from 1600-1790 in the Museum at F.I.T., New York, Museum of Art, Boston and Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York were selected. The result of this study are as follows: (1) The origin and development of high heeled shoes were accomplished by protection, social status and exaggeration of body, decoration and fashion. (2) According to the comparative study of Museum objects and literature, characteristic analysis of high heeled shoes from 1700-20s, 1730-40s, 1750-60s, 1770-89 and 1890-1900 were accomplished. (3) Significant elements of European women's shoes from 18th century that aid dating are identified as the presence of white rand, shape of tongue, heel shape and height, latchat, toe shape, color and materials.



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