기업역량을 고려한 외생고정변수를 갖는 IT중소기업 정부자금지원정책 성과평가를 위한 DEA모형 및 활용절차

DEA Models and Application Procedure for Performance Evaluation on Governmental Funding Projects for IT Small and Medium-sized Enterprises with Exogenously Fixed Variables of Corporate Competency

  • 박성민 (백석대학교 경상학부) ;
  • 김헌 (백석대학교 경상학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.05.31


Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) 모형은 다수출력/다수입력을 갖는 IT중소기업 정부자금지원정책 성과평가에 활용가능하다. DEA효율성지수의 정확성 제고를 위해 기업역량을 반영한 외생고정변수를 DEA모형에서 고려할 수 있다. 또한, 다수 DEA기본모형과 확장모형을 활용한 성과평가를 시도함으로써, 단일 DEA모형에 의존하는 성과평가의 한계를 완화할 수 있다. 본 연구는, IT중소기업 정부자금지원시점에서의 기업자산, 매출액, 종업원수를 외생고정변수로 갖는; 1)DEA자료구조 정립; 2)DEA기본모형과 확장모형 수립; 3)실증자료를 이용한 사례분석을 예시한다. DEA기본모형으로 CCR, BCC, Super-efficiency모형, DEA확장모형으로 비제어변수(noncontrollable variables), 비자유변수(nondiscretionary variables)를 갖는 모형을 수립한다. DEA모형 비교 및 Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) 가중치를 이용한 통합 활용절차가 설명된다. 모수 비모수분산분석에 의한 기술분야별 DEA효율성지수로써의 성과유의차를 판정한다.

Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) models can be used for performance evaluation on governmental funding projects for IT small and medium-sized enterprises associated with multiple-outputs/multiple-inputs. In order to enhance the accuracy of DEA efficiency scores, DEA models with exogenously fixed variables are required where the corporate competency is taken into account. Additionally, it is necessary to use multiple DEA basic as well as extended models so as to relax the restriction on the performance evaluation to relying on a single DEA model. In this study; 1)a DEA data structure is designed including exogenously fixed variables representing corporate asset, revenue and the number of employees at the point in time that the governmental funding project concerned is initiated; 2)DEA basic as well as extended models are established according to the DEA data structure presented abovementioned; and 3)a case study is illustrated with an empirical testbed dataset. As for the DEA basic models, CCR, BCC, Super-efficiency model are adopted. The DEA extended models are developed based on the models associated with noncontrollable and nondiscretionary variables. In the case study, it is explained a comparison of DEA models and also major numerical outcomes such as efficiency scores, ranks derived from each DEA model are integrated using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) weights. Performance significance with DEA efficiency scores between technical categories are tested based not only on parametric but also nonparametric single-factor analysis of variance method.



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