A Study on the Strategies of Electronic Government Services based on Web2.0

웹2.0 기반의 전자정부서비스 제공전략에 관한 연구

  • 나종회 (광주대학교 e-비즈니스학과) ;
  • 최영진 (을지대학교 의료경영학과) ;
  • 정승호 (한국정보사회진흥원 전자정부기술지원팀) ;
  • 오강탁 (한국정보사회진흥원 전자정부지원팀) ;
  • 강동석 (한국정보사회진흥원 전자정부지원단)
  • Published : 2008.03.31


Government itself produces a vast amount of highly valuable information, and the internet increases its potential social and economic value. So far, government provide web services that is web 1.0 style. To meet the user's needs, that is online collaboration and sharing, government web services also change to web 2.0. This paper argues that government could now grasp the opportunities that are emerging in terms of web 2.0. Current policy and action is not yet adequate to grasp these opportunities. So, this study focused on the strategic development of electronic government services based on web 2.0. For the purpose, we reviewed the web 2.0 cases and former electronic government services. And then, we defined government 2.0 that is electronic government services based on web 2.0, and provided reference model of government 2.0. Government 2.0 reference model will help the administrators to find better ways to use the technological infrastructure and save efforts for trial and errors from the lack of systematic approach.



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