자연에 대한 미적 인식과 환경미학

The Aesthetic Cognition of Nature and the Environmental Aesthetics

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


It seems to be difficult to bridge between human and nature. All depictions of nature are not necessarily reflections of reality. Thoughts are projected into nature, then nature will reflect us. The world is composed of natural and cultural environment. There are differences between depiction of nature based on correspondence and construction of world. Environmental aesthetics is an emerging field of study that focuses on nature's aesthetic value as well as on its ethical and environmental implications. Allen Carlson, a pioneer in environmental aesthetics, provides challenges as well as a wealth of resources for those who would appropriate his ideas in the service of environmental protection. Carlson's positive aesthetics, his focus on the functionality of human environments, and his integration of aesthetics and ethics have great import for those seeking to use aesthetics to assist in addressing environmental controversies. Environmental ethics would benefit from taking environmental aesthetics more seriously. Environmental aesthetics is an emerging discipline that explores the meaning and influence of environmental perception and experience on human life. Arguing for the idea that environment is not merely a setting for people but fully integrated and continuous with us, Arnold Berleant explores the aesthetic dimensions of the human-environment continuum in both theoretical terms and concrete situations. Aesthetic experience is always contextual. The aesthetic aspect of any human habitat is an essential part of its desirability. The aesthetic perception of environment shows us the reciprocity that constitutes both person and place. The genuine beauty lies in the coexistence and harmony with natural environment.
