유방암 환자의 3D-CRT, TOMO 방법에 따른 선량 분포 평가

Dosimetric Comparison of Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Radiotherapy and Helical Tomotherapy Partial Breast Cancer

  • 김대웅 (국립암센터 양성자치료센터) ;
  • 김종원 (국립암센터 양성자치료센터) ;
  • 최윤경 (국립암센터 양성자치료센터) ;
  • 김정수 (국립암센터 양성자치료센터) ;
  • 황재웅 (국립암센터 양성자치료센터) ;
  • 정경식 (국립암센터 양성자치료센터) ;
  • 최계숙 (국립암센터 양성자치료센터)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


목 적: 방사선치료계획에 있어서 정상조직과 치료부위의 선량 분포는 매우 중요하다. 이에 본원에서는 유방암 환자를 대상으로 Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT), Helical tomotherapy (TOMO)의 방법으로 방사선치료계획을 세웠으며 이에 선량분포를 분석하여 실제 임상에서의 적용여부를 알아보고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: 20명의(좌측: 10명, 우측: 10명) 유방보존절제술 환자를 대상으로 시행하였으며 방법으로는 같은 조건에서 3D-CRT는 Philips사의 Pinnacle을, TOMO는 TomoTherapy사의 TOMO Planning System을 이용해 치료계획을 세웠다. Dose-Volume Histogram (DVH)의 prescribed dose (PD)에 대한 PTV의 Homogeneity index (HI)와 Conformity index (CI)를 구하였고, 정상조직의 dose- volume 관계를 비교하였다. 결 과: Homogeneity index (HI)와 Conformity, index (CI)는 TOMO에서 우수한 결과를 나타났다. $V_{-50-IB-NPTV}$ (the percentage ipsilateral non-PTV breast volume that was delivered 50% of the prescribed dose)는 3D-CRT: 40.4%, TOMO: 18.3%, $V_{20-IL}$ (the average ipsilateral lung volume percentage receiving 20% of the prescribed dose)는 3D-CRT: 4.8%, TOMO: 14.2%, $V_{20-10H}$ (the average heart volume percentage delivered 20% and 10% of the prescribed dose in left breast cancer)는 3D-CRT: 1.6%, 3% TOMO: 9.7%, 26.3%의 결과를 보여준다. 결 론: 유방암 환자의 방사선치료계획 방법들은 PTV에서 원하는 선량분포를 보여줬다. 그러나 TOMO는 좋은 Homogeneity index (HI), Conformity index (CI)와 Breast를 보호하는 장점이 있는 반면에 Lung과 Heart에서는 많은 피폭선량이 있음을 알 수 있기에 TOMO의 방사선치료계획시 주의해야 할 점으로 사료된다.

Purpose: The goal of radiation treatment is to deliver a prescribed radiation dose to the target volume accurately while minimizing dose to normal tissues. In this paper, we comparing the dose distribution between three dimensional conformal radiation radiotherapy (3D-CRT) and helical tomotherapy (TOMO) plan for partial breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients were included in the study, and plans for two techniques were developed for each patient (left breast:10 patients, right breast:10 patients). For each patient 3D-CRT planning was using pinnacle planning system, inverse plan was made using Tomotherapy Hi-Art system and using the same targets and optimization goals. We comparing the Homogeneity index (HI), Conformity index (CI) and sparing of the organs at risk for dose-volume histogram. Results: Whereas the HI, CI of TOMO was significantly better than the other, 3D-CRT was observed to have significantly poorer HI, CI. The percentage ipsilateral non-PTV breast volume that was delivered 50% of the prescribed dose was 3D-CRT (mean: 40.4%), TOMO (mean: 18.3%). The average ipsilateral lung volume percentage receiving 20% of the PD was 3D-CRT (mean: 4.8%), TOMO (mean: 14.2), concerning the average heart volume receiving 20% and 10% of the PD during treatment of left breast cancer 3D-CRT (mean: 1.6%, 3.0%), TOMO (mean: 9.7%, 26.3%) Conclusion: In summary, 3D-CRT and TOMO techniques were found to have acceptable PTV coverage in our study. However, in TOMO, high conformity to the PTV and effective breast tissue sparing was achieved at the expense of considerable dose exposure to the lung and heart.
