2D 그래픽스를 활용한 유머 이미지의 패션일러스트레이션 연구

A Study on the Fashion Illustration of Humor Images Using 2D Graphics

  • Kim, Hye-Ran (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, The Catholic University) ;
  • Kim, Soo-Kyong (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, The Catholic University)
  • 발행 : 2008.11.29


This research aims to analyze humorous images expressed in 2D graphics fashion illustrations and to propose application of 2D graphics in humorous images for fashion illustrations to suggest a more creative and relevant fashion illustration for contemporary culture. The result of this research were as follows: First, theories on reaction of humor can be classified into Incongruity theory, Superiority theory and Arousal and Relief theory. Humor in visual arts are classified in Visual Parody, Visual Pun, Visual Paradox and Visual Satire. Second, Visual Pun, Visual Parody, and Visual Satire are used for visualizing fashion illustration, and the foundations for many humor images were simple-colored, imaginative, and unreal settings. And it was also found out that the physical proportion of the models generally was 1(head):7(entire body), 1:8, 1:15 and the models were usually laughing and smiling. Tone was usually pastel and vivid, and posture was usually standing-position or sitting-position. Third, based on such results, fashion illustration works of humor image using 2D graphics were created. To concretize the humor image, 'gift' as a concept was chosen. Humor alleviates the tension and stress. It also brings laughter and pleasure to people's lives. Therefore humor image will be an effective way of expanding creativity in modern fashion illustration.



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