배경: 경피적 순환 보조장치는 다른 수단으로는 소생이 불가능한 심인성 쇼크 환자에 있어서 매우 효과적인 생명유지 장치이다. 특히 심근경색 및 고위험군의 관상동맥중재술, 심장수술 후 심인성 쇼크 등 다양한 임상상황에서 사용되며, 사용이 손쉬운 장점을 가지고 있다. 저자들은 급성 심근경색으로 입원한 환자 중 심인성 쇼크가 발생하여 경피적 순환 보조장치를 사용한 환자들의 초기경험을 분석하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2005년 1월부터 2006년 12월까지 급성 심근경색에 의한 심인성 쇼크 환자 8명에게 경피적 순환 보조장치(CAPIOX emergent bypass system, $EBS^{(R)}$, Terumo Inc., Tokyo, Japan)를 적용하였다. Seldinger방법을 사용하여 대퇴정맥에 20Fr의 유입관을 우심방까지 거치하고, 대퇴동맥에 16Fr의 유출관을 거치하면서 동시에 자가 충진을 완료하였다. 혈류량을 $2.5{\sim}3.0L/min/m^2$으로 유지하였고, 헤파린을 정주하면서 ACT를 200초 이상으로 유지하였다 결과: 환자의 평균나이는 $61.1{\pm}14.2$세($39{\sim}77$세)였다. 관상동맥중재술(PCI) 시행 이전에 거치한 경우가 3예, 중재술 도중 발생하여 거치한 경우가 3예, 중재술 후가 1예, 관상동맥우회술 후가 1예였다. 평균 $EBS^{(R)}$가동시간은 $47.5{\sim}27.9$시간$(8{\sim}76$시간)이었으며, 이 중 $EBS^{(R)}$ 이탈이 가능하였던 경우가 5명(62.5%)으로 이들은 모두 퇴원이 가능하였다. $EBS^{(R)}$적용으로 인한 합병증은 모두 3예로 급성 신부전이 2예, 위장관 출혈이 1예 있었다. 사망한 3명의 환자 중 2명은 $EBS^{(R)}$ 적용 전 심정지가 와 있었던 경우였으며, 1명은 난치성 심실세동이 있었던 경우였다. 퇴원한 환자는 모두 생존하여 평균 $16.8{\pm}3.1$개월($12{\sim}20$개월)째 외래 추적관찰 중이다. 결론: 다른 방법으로 소생이 힘든 급성 심근경색으로 인한 심인성 쇼크 환자에게 $EBS^{(R)}$를 적용함으로써 환자의 생명을 구할 수 있었고, 일단 회복된 환자들은 별다른 후유증 없이 생존하였다. 향후 $EBS^{(R)}$의 적절한 적용시기와 적용방법에 대해서는 보다 많은 경험 및 임상연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
Background: Percutaneous cardiopulmonary support. (PCPS) has the potential to rescue patients in cardiogenic shock who might otherwise die. PCPS has been a therapeutic option in a variety of the clinical settings such as for patients with myocardial Infarction, high-risk coronary intervention and postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock, and the PCPS device is easy to install. We report our early experience with PCPS as a life saving procedure in cardiogenic shock patients due to acute myocardial infarction. Material and Method: From January 2005 to December 2006, eight patients in cardiogenic shock with acute myocardial infarction underwent PCPS using the CAPIOX emergency bypass system($EBS^{(R)}$, Terumo, Tokyo, Japan). Uptake cannulae were inserted deep into the femoral vein up to the right atrium and return cannulae were inserted into the femoral artery with Seldinger techniques using 20 and 16-French cannulae, respectively. Simultaneously, autopriming was performed at the $EBS^{(R)}$ circuit. The $EBS^{(R)}$ flow rate was maintained between $2.5{\sim}3.0L/min/m^2$ and anticoagulation was performed using intravenous heparin with an ACT level above 200 seconds. Result: The mean age of patients was $61.1{\pm}14.2$ years (range, 39 to 77 years). Three patients were under control of the $EBS^{(R)}$ before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), three patients were under control of the $EBS^{(R)}$ during PCI, one patient was under control of the $EBS^{(R)}$ after PCI, and one patient was under control of the $EBS^{(R)}$ after coronary bypass surgery. The mean support time was $47.5{\pm}27.9$ hours (range, 8 to 76 hours). Five patients (62.5%) could be weaned from the $EBS^{(R)}$ after $53.6{\pm}27.2$ hours. (range, 12 to 68 hours) of support. All of the patients who could successfully be weaned from support were discharged from the hospital. There were three complications: one case of gastrointestinal bleeding and two cases of acute renal failure. Two of the three mortality cases were under cardiac arrest before $EBS^{(R)}$ support, and one patient had an intractable ventricular arrhythmia during the support. All of the discharged patients are still surviving at $16.8{\pm}3.1$ months (range, 12 to 20 months) of follow-up. Conclusion: The use of $EBS^{(R)}$ for cardiogenic shock caused by an acute myocardial infarction could rescue patients who might otherwise have died. Successfully recovered patients after $EBS^{(R)}$ treatment have survived without severe complications. More experience and additional clinical investigations are necessary to elucidate the proper installation timing and management protocol of the $EBS^{(R)}$ in the future.