생물학적 초미세력 검출을 위한 탄소나노튜브 프로브의 제작 및 기계적 특성 검출

Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Probe for Ultrasmall Force Measurement in Biological Application

  • 권순근 (한국과학기술원 기계항공시스템학부 기계공학) ;
  • 박효준 (한국과학기술원 기계항공시스템학부 기계공학) ;
  • 이형우 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) 기계공학과) ;
  • 곽윤근 (한국과학기술원 기계항공시스템학부 기계공학) ;
  • 김수현 (한국과학기술원 기계항공시스템학부 기계공학)
  • 발행 : 2008.05.01


In this study, a carbon nanotube probe (CNT probe) is proposed as a mechanical force transducer for the measurement of pico-Newton (pN) order force in biological applications. In order to measure nantube's displacement in the air or liquid environment, the fabrication of a CNT probe with tip-specific loading of fluorescent dyes is performed using tip- specific functionalization of the nanotube and chemical bonding between dyes and nanotube. Also, we experimentally investigated the mechanical properties of the CNT probe using electrostatic actuation and fluorescence microscope measurement. Using fluorescence measurement of the tip deflection according to the applied voltage, we optimized the bending stiffness of the CNT probe, therefore determined the spring constant of the CNT probe. The results show that the spring constant of CNT probes is as small as 1 pN/nm and CNT probes can be used to measure pN order force.



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