공동주택단지에서의 범죄피해경험율과 범죄로부터의 안전성(safety) 평가 지표간의 상관성 분석에 관한 연구

The Study on the Correlation Analysis between the Experienced Crime Victimization Rate and the Evaluation Indicator for Residents' Safety of Outdoor Spaces from Crime in Multi-Family Housing

  • 이유미 (상명대 소비자.주거학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.25


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the correlation analysis between the experienced crime victimization rate and the evaluation indicator of residents' safety of outdoor spaces from crime in multi-family housing. Additionally this paper intend to analyze the correlation analysis between the residents' satisfaction about safety and the evaluation indicator of residents' safety of outdoor spaces. For that purpose, 9 Multi-Family Housing located in the metropolitan area were selected to perform a survey against 349 residents during May 26-29, 2006. The SPSS program was used and the level of satisfaction ranged from 1 to 5. Scale of 5 being most satisfied while 1 being most dissatisfied. The results of this study are the followings; 1) Most occurred crime were auto theft and damages, poster matter theft, housebreaking. 2) The crime rate is higher in outdoor than in indoor. 3) This study proved the correlation between the residents' satisfaction about housing safety and most indicators except the number of households etc. 4) By the results of the correlation coefficient it makes clear that the number of apartment building, the visibility of Green Space, the location of pedestrian etc. have relation with the residents' satisfaction about housing safety.



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