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- 김봉근 저, Visual C++ 언어를 이용한 Multimedia Programming 예스민 출판사, 2007
- 강환수, 강환일 공저 C로 배우는 프로그래밍 기초 학술정보, 2003
It is rapidly increasing number using Hi-pass system passing through tollgate on the high way. However disabled people and man of merit have been excepted existing advantage of discount when they are using Hi-Pass. It is difficult to make a check an advantage when they are in a vehicle for using Hi-pass system technology in present. For solving this problem, we have fabricated virtual Hi-pass system combined fingerprint identification system (FIS) by AVR and fingerprint identification USB. We checked the chance of efficiency and utility in this system for getting a solution of conservative problem. And, it will be also used for entrance ticketing and transferring of cave tourism and so on.