Diisocyanate 및 Chain Extender의 화학적 구조가 폴리우레탄의 열적 특성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Chain Structure of Diisocyanate and Chain Extender on the Thermal Characteristics of Polyurethane

  • 박기호 (인하대학교 섬유공학과) ;
  • 김광복 (인하대학교 섬유공학과) ;
  • 이한섭 (인하대학교 섬유공학과)
  • Park, Ki-Ho (Department of Textile Engineering, In-ha University) ;
  • Jin, Gangfu (Department of Textile Engineering, In-ha University) ;
  • Lee, Han-Sup (Department of Textile Engineering, In-ha University)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


Polyurethane(PU), a type of thermoplastic elastomer, consists of two different segments (hard and soft segments) that are incompatible at room temperature. Depending on the chemical and physical structure of those two segments, polyurethane shows various internal structures. In this study, a series of polyurethane were synthesized using PPDI (l,4-phenylene diisocyanate), TODI(3,3'-dimethyl diphenyl 4,4'-diisocyanate), MDI(4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate) as disocyanate, 1,4 BD and HQEE(hydroxyquinone-di-(beta-hydroxyethyl)ether) as chain extender in order to test the effect of chemical structure of hard segment on the phase separation behavior and thermal stability of polyurethane. The effect of diisocyanate and chain extender on the thermal stability of polyurethane was measured with DSC, POM, SAXS and FTIR methods. Compared with PU based on the asymmetric and aliphatic component, PUs based on the symmetric and aromatic chemical structures were found to form phase separated structure showing enhanced thermal stability. The good thermal properties were also explained in terms of the good packing behavior between hard segments in the PPDI-based polyurethane.



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