The Effect of Collaboration Motive Types on Collaboration Areas, Trust/devotion, and Performance/satisfaction in Fashion Business

한국 패션기업 콜레보레이션 동기 유형에 따른 콜레보레이션 분야, 신뢰와 몰입, 성과 및 만족도

  • 홍원표 (인하공업전문대학 패션디자인학과) ;
  • 황진숙 (건국대학교 의상학)
  • Published : 2008.05.31


In the fashion enterprises of today, there are many kinds of inter-enterprises' collaborations which are related to the strategic management for reinforcing their competitiveness in various fields. These inter-enterprises' collaborations, which began to increase in the year 2000, will increase even more in the near future. The study investigated the differences of collaboration motive types in collaboration areas, trust/devotion, performance and satisfactions of collaborations, and characteristics of collaborated companies and their partners. A questionnaire was administered to 194 key employees of the fashion enterprises in Korea and the analysis was performed by factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, and $X^2$ test. The results showed that the collaboration motive had four factors: economic efficiency, business expansion, product planning improvement, and brand competitiveness increase. The cluster analysis showed that there were four collaboration motive types: brand competitiveness type, economic efficiency type, product planning type, and passive collaboration type. There were significant differences among the collaboration motive types in regard to collaboration areas, trust/devotion, and the performance/satisfactions of collaboration, and characteristics of companies. The brand competitiveness motive type tended to choose the marketing and brand collaboration areas, had a higher trust, and had higher scores on the performance and satisfactions of collaboration than did the other types.



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