A Study on the Efficient Management of Space and Facilities in National Universities

국립대학 시설 및 공간의 효율적 관리에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2008.09.30


The major issues that higher education has recently faced are the shortage of students of school age, the changing environment of higher education and the evolving technology. These challenges have urged the university facilities and space to be managing more efficient and more effective. This study assures that the strong strategy is to operate more like business while retaining unique higher education values and a sound facilities management system and appropriate budget help to ensure that university facilities are good for student and teacher's demand. With such faith, this study explores the facilities/space maintaining status and the facility management system of national universities and collages. It finds that there are some problems to adapt new managing methodologies in national universities and that there are also some gaps and perceived constraints to effective space management. This study proposes the alternatives for the facilities managing system that involves the improvement of manpower structure, the expansion of budget scale and the establishment of appropriate facility management system. Finally it provides the practical tools for the effective space and facilities management such as space charging, space standards, central timetabling, space utilisation survey and facilities performance indication.



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