호텔조리사의 직무 속성이 레스토랑 식자재 관리 수행도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A Study on the Effects of Hotel Restaurant Chefs' Job Attributes on Food Material Management

  • 서민석 (대림대학 호텔관광외식계열)
  • Seo, Min-Suk (Dept. of Tourism Hotel & Restaurant Management, Daelim College)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationship where the job satisfaction of chefs who directly handle the food materials in the hotel restaurants influences their purchase and management of the food materials. For this, 350 chefs of 11 five-star hotels were surveyed with a questionnaire about the process and consciousness in managing food materials. 293 copies of the questionnaire were used in the empirical study by excluding unanswered and insincere ones. Before verifying the hypothesis, the reliability and propriety of the concepts suggested by the study model were analyzed through structural equation model using AMOS 5.0 to analyze concepts and verify the hypothesis. As the result of, the job satisfaction of five-star hotel restaurant chefs appeared to have positive influence on the chefs' purchase attitude, food material satisfaction, food material management performance. Also, the supplier satisfaction increased when the cooking and purchase departments communicate well with each other. Therefore, for the efficient purchase of food materials, the purchase and cooking departments shall survey the market periodically, increase communication between departments to obtain food material satisfaction, organization satisfaction and job satisfaction.
