에너지 효용 증대를 위한 바이오 센서 개발에 관한 연구

A Study on Development of Ubiquitous Bio-Sensors for Increasing Energy Efficiency

  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


It is essential to investigate the structure and the main characteristic of Home USN (Ubiquitous Sensor Network) technologies in built ubiquitous environment while designing bio-sensors. For this study, Thermistor elements and Thermopile black body have been selected to implement ubiquitous technologies for bio-sensors and wireless network such as WiBro has been used to transfer sensing data to the BSN (Bio-Sensor Network) gateway. It is certain that efficiency of ubiquitous space design is improved if main components of each specific sensor network are analyzed precisely in digital way and corresponding communication modules are prepared accordingly. Ubiquitous technology, in conclusion, has to be applied not only with systematical mechanism or electronic setting but in human-centered atmosphere as well, keeping with deep consideration for bio-housing service factors in eco-friendly surrounding.



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