PNF and Movement
- Volume 6 Issue 1
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- Pages.33-40
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- 2008
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- 2508-6227(pISSN)
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- 2508-6472(eISSN)
Review of the effect of PNF application on low back pain patient
요통환자에 대한 PNF 적용 효과에 관한 고찰
- Kim, Tae-Ho (Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science, Daegu University) ;
Kim, Eun-Jung
(Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science, Daegu University) ;
- Jung, Jae-Min (Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science, Daegu University) ;
- Yoon, Young-Jo (Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science, Daegu University) ;
- Han, Jin-Tae (Department of Physical Therapy, Sunlin College)
- Received : 2007.12.10
- Accepted : 2008.01.20
- Published : 2008.02.01
Purpose : When the pliability of the Lumbar is degraded, the kinesiology function undergoes an influence and it receives an overload. Finally, it is connected with a Lumbar muscular injury. When it does the regular exercise treatment the lumbago patient the balance and function of changeover are improved. The purpose of this study is to review of effect of the PNF application for lumbago patient Methods : By using internet, we research the PubMed, Science Direct, KISS, DBpia and the article on the effect of PNF. We selected the article between 1970 and 2007. Key words were low back pain, lumbago, PNF. Results : PNF is a therapeutic exercise for central nervous system(CNS) patient and the peripheral nervous system(PNS) patient and it is widely applied from sports medicine in the last. According to research of the Jung Young Jo(2007) and Han Kou Soo(2002), PNF technique improves the pain and a condition of the lumbago patient. And the affection balanced change and dynamic balance change and spontaneous movable scope are improved. And it improved to daily life activity. According to research of Moore and Hutton(1980), Lee Kyoung Hye(1999), PNF stretching where it is one of muscular relaxation is good in lumbar muscle fascia ache solutions, and PNF stretching that muscle is relaxed and increases ROM by Reflective system of the vertebra. These researches is relation all each other. it have appeared many report of research about Pliability, muscular power, balance, mobility improve ADL movement of attendance ability and functional action improved excise therapy put effect about lumbago patient recently, it have appeared research about therapy of lumbago patient through PNF. But PNF technique is not application about lumbago patient in clinic, therefore also it is not enough for case study about this therapy. Conclusion : PNF improve combination operation of muscle, inconvenience decrease from daily life activity, ROM(range of movement) of lumbar is increase and Lumbago reduce. So we suggest that PNF will be applies on the lumbago patient and must do a many research.