남성패션잡지에 나타난 외모의 변화양상

The Changing Aspect of Appearances in Male Fashion Magazines

  • Park, Su-Jin (Chungnam National University Dept. of Clothing & Textile) ;
  • Park, Kil-Soon (Chungnam National University Dept. of Clothing & Textile)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.28


This study aims on observing the social recognition and its aspects for men taking care of their outer appearances at current point where men are rapidly rising as the main consumer in the beauty industry while their interest for outer appearances are increasing. Therefore, we observed the overall trend and changes in social recognition for male looks by analyzing the contents of articles in fashion magazines that play the critical role of spreading the trend while suggesting and delivering the diverse trend changes to the public to correspond to the individual and concrete demands of certain class segmented into gender, age, hobby, and more. As a result, articles related to outer appearances were divided into fashion, cosmetic and skin, hair and scalp, body figure care, cosmetic surgery, and others, and among them, fashion category took up the highest ratio. Also, articles related to outer appearances increased even more according to the change in time, where articles related to fashion and hair increased while articles of other categories decreased.



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피인용 문헌

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