20 세기 주거건축사에 나타난 이동식 주거개념의 발전과정에 관한 연구

The Development of the Movable-housing Planning Concept in Housing-architectural history of 20th Century

  • 김미경 ((주)케이비 환경디자인, 숙명여대 디자인학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


The purpose of this study is to analyze the development and characteristics of movable-housing planning concept. A document research method was used to analyze and classified the development of the movable-housing concept of 20th century. Through this study, the following conclusions have been reached; First, the origin of the movable-housing is from the prehistoric and traditional portable buildings, also due to the emergence of nomadic lifestyle using car traveling and mobile home in the 1920's. Second, the development of the movable-housing in 20th century was classified as follows; (1) In order to obtain the productivity and efficiency drawing from the industrialized-housing in the early of 1900s, movable furniture and flexibility was proposed. (2) American mobile home in 1920's, influenced by the development of car industry, was the most successful example of a factory-built building to be found in the world. (3) Dymaxion house and dome by R.B.Fuller, an aggregation of high-tech mechanical equipment, had a great impact on the development the concept of 'mobility' and influenced Archigram & Metabolist's movable capsule ideas in 1960's. (4) The lightweight materials such as plastic, duralumin and pneumatic structure were adopted for movable-housing in 1960's. Through this research, It is discovered that the stage of social development has close links with the developing aspects of movable-housing concepts. This study shows that the combination of three planning concepts such as flexible housing, mobile-housing and capsule will be more ideal in movable-housing planning rather than relying on just one type.



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