Mechanisms of Korean red ginseng and herb extracts(KTNG0345) for anti-wrinkle activity

홍삼 생약 복합물(KTNG0345)의 피부 주름개선에 관한 작용기전

  • So, Seung-Ho (Health Food Research Group, KT&G Central Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Seong-Kye (Health Food Research Group, KT&G Central Research Institute) ;
  • Hwang, Eui-Il (Health Food Research Group, KT&G Central Research Institute) ;
  • Koo, Bon-Suk (Health Food Research Group, KT&G Central Research Institute) ;
  • Han, Gyeong-Ho (Health Food Research Group, KT&G Central Research Institute) ;
  • Chung, Jin-Ho (Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Min-Jung (Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Na-Mi (Health Food Research Group, KT&G Central Research Institute)
  • 소승호 (KT&G 중앙연구원 건강식품연구소) ;
  • 이성계 (KT&G 중앙연구원 건강식품연구소) ;
  • 황의일 (KT&G 중앙연구원 건강식품연구소) ;
  • 구본석 (KT&G 중앙연구원 건강식품연구소) ;
  • 한경호 (KT&G 중앙연구원 건강식품연구소) ;
  • 정진호 (서울대학교 의과대학 병원) ;
  • 이민정 (서울대학교 의과대학 병원) ;
  • 김나미 (KT&G 중앙연구원 건강식품연구소)
  • Published : 2008.03.31


UV irradiation causes skin-aging involving coarse wrinkles, thickening, dyspigmentation, and rough skin surface. These phenomena in complex skin tissue is controlled with receptor of cell surface growth factor and cytokine receptors. The activation of receptors induces multiple downstream signaling pathways including expression of MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases). This study was aimed to elucidate the mechanism for anti-wrinkle activity of Korean red ginseng, Torilis fructus and Corni fructus mixture (KTNG0345). In this animal study, we have investigated decreasing effects of Korean red ginseng mixture on MMP-3 synthesis through diminishing $TNF-{\alpha}$ signaling that express MMP-1, -3, and -9. c-Jun and c-fos as a component of transcription factor AP-1 (activator protein-1) were analyzed the expression level using real time PCR and western blotting. c-Jun was decreased dose dependent manner both gene and protein level where as cfos was not changed. In upstream, JNK and PAK was not changed, but p38 was decreased in down stream. MMP-3, final product in this pathway was significantly decreased in dose dependent manner. These results suggest that Korean red ginseng mixture have a anti-wrinkle activity through $TNF-{\alpha}$ mediated MMPs expression pathway.

본 실험은 홍삼 혼합물 (KTNG0345)을 이용한 주름 예방 및 개선효과가 있는 건강기능 식품을 개발하기 위한 기초자료로 활용하기 위하여 시료를 경구투여한 무모생쥐의 피부조직 으로부터 MMP-3의 발현양상과 작용 메커니즘을 연구하였다. MMP-3의 발현정도는 농도 의존적으로 현저한 감소를 나타내었으며, 유전자와 단백질 모두에서 동일한 양상을 보였다. PAK는 변화가 없었지만, p38, p-p38 그리고 c-Jun, p-c-Jun 을 통계적으로 유의하게 감소시킴으로써 MMPs의 발현 감소를 가져온 것으로 보인다. 뿐만 아니라 자외선에 의한 $TNF-{\alpha}$의 생성 또는 유입을 억제함으로써 $TNF-{\alpha}$ receptor에 의해 매개되는 신호전달 경로를 둔화시켜 MMPs의 발현을 감소시킨 것으로 보인다. 이렇게 KTNG0345는 복합적인 활성으로 작용하여 주름생성 억제 활성을 보이는 것으로 판단된다.



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