초등 과학교과 교사용 지도서 생명 영역 단원 및 차시 목표의 일관성 분석

A Analysis on Consistency of Learning Objectives of Units and Instructional Units in Elementary School Biology Teaching Guide-Books

  • 발행 : 2008.03.29


The purpose of this study was to examine the consistency and balance of learning objectives of units and instructional units according to grades and educational domains. Educational domains were cognitive(scientific knowledge), scientific inquiry(inquiry process skills), affective(scientific attitude), and science-technology-society(STS). Learning objectives of life field of the 7th elementary science curricular teaching guidebooks were analysed. Scientific inquiry process skill objectives(43.5%) were most dominant in units, but cognitive objectives(53.9%) were most dominant in instructional units. STS objectives were most recessive in both units and instructional units. Especially, objectives of units and instructional units were shown no consistency by grade. The results of this study suggested that the textbooks and teaching guidebooks should be developed consistently by considering learning activities and contents on the basis of background and properties of science curriculum.
