"상방정례로" 보는 조선왕실의 복식구조 - 착용사례를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Wearing Occasions of the Royal Attire in Joseon Dynasty through the Regular rule of Sang-uiwon

  • 김소현 (배화여자대학 전통의상과)
  • Kim, Soh-Hyeon (Dept. of Korean Traditional Costume, Baewha Women's College)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


The Regular rule of Sang-uiwon served as a manual of Royal Attires. According to the procedures, like as making letters about the affairs, consulting, and permission, Royal ceremonial attire was made and presented to the royal family. The materials for the Royal informal dress were presented in accordance with usual tributes. There was no difference in informal dress between the royal family and noble class. But the name of items was different such as Goa du[man's jacket], Go ui[woman's jacket], etc. The royal family continued to wear old days dress as akjurm and noui, which were not worn by common people any more, as a means of differentiating clothes. Bub-bok, which was designed only for key figures of the royal family such as the king, crown prince, queen, and crown princess, was the best status symbol. Because of its highly limited example of wearing, bub-bok was the authority of the wearer itself; with only difference in color, pattern, and material depending on social status. Yong-po is the most frequently worn by the Royal men. Yong-po worn with jong-lip served as yung-bok or gun-bok, and iksun-gwan functioned as sang-bok. Royal Attire for men was clearly divided into Yong-po as sang-bok, bub-bok as myun-bok and gangsa-po, while jeok-ui for women functioned as both sang-bok and bub-bok. However, the use of jeok-ui was defined by differentiate sang-bok from bub-bok like as the pattern of Hyung-bae, number of embroidered round badges, shoes and ornaments.



  1. 尙方定例 天
  2. 김용숙 (1987). 조선조궁중풍속연구. 일지사, p. 287
  3. 순화궁접초, 궁중발기
  4. 經國大典 禮典
  5. 世宗實錄 五禮 嘉禮儀式 五日朝參儀 常參儀 書筵進講儀, 大典會通禮典 儀章
  6. 國朝續五禮儀補序例 卷2 嘉禮
  7. 尙方定例 人 陵幸時
  8. 國朝續五禮儀 1卷 吉禮 陵幸時
  9. 곽경희, 홍나영 (2006). 조선시대 남자용 화(靴)에 관한 연구. 복식, 56(1), p. 49
  10. 유희경 외 (2003). 역사인물초상화대사전, p. 21
  11. 磻溪隧錄 25권 續篇 上 衣冠制度
  12. 日省錄 正祖 1년 5월 16일 庚)
  13. 純祖實錄 34卷 34年 4月 29日 甲子
  14. [淸]阿克敦 著, 黃有福․千和淑 校註 (1999). 奉使圖. 遼寧民族出版社
  15. 正祖實錄 38卷 17年 9月 25日 乙卯
  16. 正祖實錄 32卷 15年 1月 14日 己丑
  17. 園行乙卯整理儀軌 卷2 儀註
  18. 黃有福 (1999). 淸阿克敦<<奉使圖>>初探. 亞細亞文化硏究, 3, pp. 10-11
  19. 淸]阿克敦 著, 黃有福.千和淑 校註 (1999). 奉使圖. 遼寧民族出版社
  20. 유희경 외 (2003). 역사인물초상화대사전, p. 75
  21. 國朝續五禮儀序例 嘉禮 鹵簿
  22. 尙方定例 人 親臨閱武時
  23. 尙方定例 人 親覽慕華館觀武才時
  24. 尙方定例 人 親行北漢時
  25. 英祖實錄 96卷 36年 8月 20日 辛卯
  26. 尙方定例 人 迎勅擧動時
  27. 尙方定例 人 尊崇時, 進宴時
  28. 김소현, 안인실, 장정윤 (2007). 조선시대 적의의 용례와 제작에 대한 고찰. 복식, 57(6), 한국복식학회, pp. 97-98
  29. 尙方定例 地 靑衿服
  30. 尙方定例 地 靑綃金都多益粧笠
  31. 尙方定例 人 淑儀揀擇時
  32. 尙方定例 人 淑儀嘉禮衣服
  33. 뎡미가례시일긔
  34. 尙方定例 人 大君嘉禮衣服
  35. 國朝五禮儀 卷4 嘉禮 王子昏儀
  36. 尙方定例 人 夫人衣服
  37. 尙方定例 人 公主嘉禮衣服
  38. 尙方定例 人 儀賓衣服
  39. 尙方定例 人 世子宮冊禮時 世子宮冠禮時 國婚
  40. 尙方定例 地 敎命
  41. 尙方定例 天 世子宮法服
  42. 英祖實錄 4卷 1年 3月 20日 戊午
  43. 英祖實錄 41卷 12年 3月 15日 己酉
  44. 英祖實錄 72卷 26年 12月 19日 戊子
  45. 世宗實錄 五禮 嘉禮儀式 冊妃儀 冊王世子嬪儀
  46. 世宗實錄 56卷 14年 5月 13日 庚午
  47. 國朝續五禮儀補序禮 2卷 嘉禮 王世子冠禮前 幘服制度
  48. 尙方定例 地 雙童髻, 空頂幘, 軟頭巾
  49. 顯宗改修實錄 22卷 11年 2月 12日 庚午
  50. 純祖實錄 22卷 19年 3月 15日 丁未, 增補文獻備考 72卷 禮考 19
  51. 純祖實錄 22卷 19年 3月 15日 丁未
  52. 國朝五禮儀 3卷 嘉禮 王世子冠儀禮
  53. 尙方定例 天 大殿法服