A Study on the Revitalization of Servicizing: Focused on the Case of Car Parts

서비사이징 활성화방안에 관한 연구 - 자동차 부품을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2008.03.30


Servicizing is defined 'not as to sell the products but as to sell the functions'. This study was done on the methods for revitalization as the object items of navigation & antenna among car parts. The direct door-to-door survey was done for 101 enterprises (direct-management stores) and percentage & t-test were done for statistics. The results can be summarized like followings. First, PR on servicizing is required. Second the optimized methods can be obtained by incorporating reuse & recycling distribution systems of servicizing with the existing recovery system Reuse distribution system can be constructed rationally because inventory control is being done correct1y with the periodic recovery. Finally, as for the analysis on the relative importance of main factors of servicizing, it shows that supports & providing the concrete frame of the government & local autonomous body are important.



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