The Features of the Baroque Architecture viewed through the "Le Pli" of Deleuze

들뢰즈의 "주름 : Le Pli"을 통해 본 바로크 건축의 특성

  • Published : 2008.12.30


The primary object of this study lies in reilluminating the meaning of the Baroque, through studying arts and architecture by means of the features of Baroque aesthetics suggested by Deleuze in his writing 'Le Pli' on the basis of Leibniz's 'Pli' concept. Through this study we can see the following. In the first place, the six features - pli, separation between the inner and the exterior, highs and lows, unfolding, texture and paradigm presented as the features of Baroque aesthetics - have to be understood not as being independent features but as those derived from a series of continuous process of folding and unfolding. In the second place, Deleuze's thinking ranging from the 'Pli' of the Baroque to the paradigm derived on the ground of Leibniz thinking is a dynamic world of folding and unfolding, ultimately seeking unity through the topological changes and succession repeating deterritorization and reterritorization. In the third place, most architectural trends claiming 'Fold Architect' or the 'Pli' of Deleuze as their architectural philosophy are committing errors of mass-producing standardized designs by confining the meaning of Deleuze's 'Pli' concept into a simple reproduction of plied superficial things. With this finding in mind, the concept of folding and unfolding examined through reilluminating the Baroque Architecture where the 'Pli' concept is embodied, suggests to us that the problems of contemporary architecture should be rightened, and shows us that it can become an architectural philosophy which can be concretely realized in architecture.
