아들러의 '논리적 결과'를 활용한 학급운영이 초등학생의 문제 행동 개선에 미치는 효과

The effects of the class management with Adler's logical consequences on elementary children's problem behavior

  • Nam, Eun-Mi (Gwangju National University of Education)
  • 발행 : 2008.01.22


This study intends to confirm if it is effective in improving the problem behaviors by applying "Logical Consequence" suggested by Adler to the class management. The researcher who is in charge of the 4th grade class of elementary school in G city applied Adlerian logical consequence to her children, observed and examined the effectiveness of reducing the problem behaviors by the qualitative study method of in-depth interview from March to October. The problem behaviors treated in this study includes irrelevant remarks and gossip in school time, no preparation for taking lessons in time, no preparation of a textbook and a supply, no involvement in doing homework, scribbling and poor handwriting on a textbook, teasing a friend (abusive language, joking, violence), indoor running, no involvement in doing a task, being late and no arrangement of indoor shoes. In conclusion, this study indicated that the use of Logical Consequence was relatively effective in improving the problem behaviors and more effective in individual behaviors rather than group's behaviors. While the problem behaviors conducted in a class in the daily routine were effective at the point of the occurred problems, the problem behaviors occurred at the point of time related to a home or the finish of daily routine were ineffective.
