유아발달특성에 따른 신체-운동 공간의 가변성에 관한 연구

A study on the new transition space for infants of their physical activities

  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


The society changes very fast from the extended family system to the nuclear family system, as increasing a one-child family for the low birth-rate. Thus, it causes that the education, having been performed inside of the family group, is performed outside of the family nowadays such as an infant educational institution. Fundamentally, the space of educating infants must be considered their behavior and meet their needs. For infants, playing is not only studying, but also is related to physical, intellectual and emotional development. Therefore infants in a qualifiedly good playing environment, are easy to focus on their playing. But, variety of playing activities can help improve infants' development physically, socially, emotionally, linguistically and intellectually. So far, an infant educational institution has provided a general education than a special educationally considering their age and status of a development. However, it is necessary to provide an integrated and well-organized place for each infant because their playing is a studying and education that will be based of individuals' character when they are grown up. The objective of this thesis is to study on the new transition space for infants of their physical activities. For this study, at first, it is important to understand what are the points of well-built kindergarten around the world. They have the flexible space in common. The transition(flexible) space will be a solution for space for infants' development.



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