Introduction to the Fisheries Industry in Ghana

  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


Fisheries constitute an important sector in national economic development, and estimate to contribute about 3% of the total GDP and 5% of the GDP in agriculture. Fish production from aquaculture has been estimated at 950 tonnes for 2004. In 2003, Ghana produced only 51.7% of its requirements from its domestic sources and in 2004, achieved 68.1% of its fish requirement through domestic production and imports. It has been estimated that the production from ponds and culture-based fisheries is worth about US$ 1.5 million a year. The aquaculture sub sector comprises largely small-scale subsistence farmers who practice extensive aquaculture in earthen ponds in contrast to the intensive practices of commercial farmers. There is one cage facility which produces 200 tonnes or 21.1% of the total output. There are several laws to regulate and govern the sector and the government has set up institutions that are responsible for developing fisheries and aquaculture policy and directing and establishing research priorities. The Directorate of Fisheries (DoF) is the lead government agency for aquaculture development and the Water Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is mandated to carry out aquaculture research. To promote fish farming, imports of farm fish are not allowed.
