Factors Affecting the Implementation Success of Data Warehousing Systems

데이터 웨어하우징의 성공적 구현에 영향을 미치는 요인

  • Published : 2008.12.30


Empirical studies on the implementation of data warehousing systems(DWS) are few while there exist a number of researches on the implementation of IS. This article intends to examine the factors affecting the implementation success. of DWS. It adopts the empirical analysis of a sample of 112 responses from DWS practitioners. The study results suggest several implications for researchers and practitioners. When the support from top management becomes great, the implementation success of DWS in organizational aspects is more likely. The support of resources increases the implementation success of DWS in project aspects, while it is not significantly related to the implementation success of DWS in organizational aspects. The user involvement in systems implementation, however, affects the implementation success of DWS in organizational and project aspects. Prototyping for the DWS implementation positively affects the implementation success of DWS. This indicates that the extent of understanding the requirements and the communication among project members increases also the implementation success of DWS. The extent of consulting activities in DWS projects increases the implementation success of DWS in project aspects. The continuous support of consulting activities and technology transfers enhances the adherence to the project schedule, preventing the exceeding of the project budget and ensuring the implementation of the intended system functions.



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