A study on the VDT syndrome and relating work factors of office workers

사무직 근로자의 VDT 증후군과 관련요인에 관한 연구

  • 심미정 (광주보건대학 간호과, 전남대학교 간호과학 연구소) ;
  • 이영숙 (전남대학교 의과대학 간호학과, 전남대학교 간호과학 연구소)
  • Published : 2008.09.30


Objectives: The study was conducted to investigate visual display terminal(VDT) and related risk factors in office workers. Method: The study subjects were 539 officers at 3 places of business in Gwangju. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaire between October 12 and October 17, 2007. and they agreed to participate in this study. The tool was developed by Moon, Jaedong(1991) for VDT syndrome. Data analysis by using SPSS/win 10.0 was performed with descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. Results: The summary of results is as follows: 1) The mean score of total VDT syndrome was $1.17{\pm}.65$ of full score 4.00, which was lower than other research. 2) For relation between general characteristics and total VDT, sex (t=-5.777, p=.000), age (F=3.516, p=.015), satisfaction of job (F=9.540, p=.000), self-awareness of health (F=25.015, p=.000) had statistically significant difference. 3) For relation between behavioral work factors and total VDT, break time of work(t=-5.363, p=.000), eye movement during computer work(t=2.176, p=.031), wrist exercise during(t=2.337, p=.020), distance between monitor and eyes(F=3.682, p=.012) had statistically significant difference. 3) For relation between environmental work factors and total VDT, height of chair(F=8.801, p=.000), space under desk(F=4.244, p=.015), reflection of monitor(t=2.697, p=.008) had statistically significant difference. Conclusion: To prevent and relieve VDT syndrome and musculoskeletal disorders in office workers, it is important to teach good posture and stretching exercise during work.



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