A Study on Transition Process of Hanbyokdang by Diachronic Analysis

통시적 관점에서 본 한벽당(寒碧堂)의 변천과정

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University) ;
  • Shin, Sang-Sup (Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University)
  • 노재현 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과) ;
  • 신상섭 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과)
  • Published : 2008.02.29


This study first attempted to catch the transformational affairs and motives of the representative pavilion, Hanbyeok in Honam after its construction. Especially, it re-illuminated the morphologic, significant and functional change process of a pavilion after the early Joseon Dynasty by taking the local scenery, Hanbyeokdang as a sample, and considering the space and scenic characteristics, and diachronically understood its creation process and rebuilt its inherent positional meaning to reach the following conclusion. 1. Weoldanglu, at its early foundation, seems to have stressed the function of a private banquet and lecture hall to train younger students, and served as a reception space. Then the reception function gradually increased, and up to before 1530, it seems to have been called Weoldanglu(月塘樓) or Weoldangwon(月塘院). 2. In 1619, Governor Yoo Saek changed the pavilion name to Hanbyeokdang through the subject of a poem. 200 years after Weoldang's death, it became a public space called Hanbyeokdang, an amusement place in which scholars cultivated great morale, and participated in the sending-off and welcoming of predecessors and successors. This seems to have taken a foothold as a public event or entertainment space for the local administration, Jeonjuboo(全州府) through the remodeling process sponsored by the public. 3. Scenic language such as its indicating name, expression type and surrounding view through old map and so on, the shape of Hanbyeokdang evolved and changed to diverse types after the foundation of Weoldanglu, at the heart of which Hanbyeokdang with its two legs standing at a rock was located. 4. During the late 18th century, Hanbyeokdang seems to have been a wing corridor connected closely to the left corridor of the Jeonju stream bed, whose pattern is presumed to have existed even during the early 19308. Such changes in scenic language make us assume that diverse auxiliary space, a wing corridor, was erected for use as a public banquet and amusement spot of Jeonjuboo Castle, the inherent function of Hanbyeokdang after the mid 18th century. 5. Penetration of Hanbyeokgool and the erection of Hanbyeokgyo caused the change of the ancient shape of Hanbyeokdang. Specifically, a great Hanbyeokgyo passing by the pavilion changed the relative scale, so the pavilion image of pursuing unity with nature has lost the old inherent refinement and visual character.



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