- 변상범, 이승욱, 황영인, 장데레사, 최경달"다중 적층 초전도 선재의 전류 분포가 교류손실에 미치는 영향",대한전기학회논문집,B 권, p1279-1280, 2006
- 김우석, 이승욱, 황영인, 장데레사, 이희균, 홍계원, 최경달, 한송엽, "대용량 초전도 변압기 권선용 다중 선재의 특성", 대한전기학회논문집, B권, p1216-1218, 2005
An HTS conductor with parallel HTS tapes is essential for a large power HTS device to flow a large current. One of the most important factor for this conductor is a current distribution. Non-uniform current distribution in parallel tapes makes the critical current of the conductor low and the AC losses high. In this paper we proposed a non-contact method which measured each current in parallel tapes by using an array of Hall sensors. A matrix can be derived from this array for calibration. The current distributions of 4 and 6 parallel tapes were measured.