구리 안정화재가 있는 YBCO 박막형 초전도 선재의 과전류 통전 특성

Over-current characteristics of YBCO coated conductors having Cu stabilizer

  • 임성우 (한전전력연구원 초전도그룹) ;
  • 두호익 (전북대학교 공과대학 전기공학과) ;
  • 김혜림 (한전전력연구원 초전도그룹) ;
  • 현옥배 (한전전력연구원 초전도그룹) ;
  • 손송호 (한전전력연구원 초전도그룹) ;
  • 임지현 (한전전력연구원 초전도그룹) ;
  • 황시돌 (한전전력연구원 초전도그룹) ;
  • 오성용 (충북대학교 공과대학 신소재 공학부) ;
  • 한병성 (전북대학교 공과대학 전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


Differently from BSCCO tapes which are fabricated by powder-in-tube method, the coated conductors are made by the evaporation of YBCO on metal substrate. Due to this structural merit, although the coated conductors are generally used for large current transportation, they are expected to be favorable to the purpose of the fault current limitation as well. In this study, using YBCO coated conductor having copper stabilizer formed by plating technique(produced by Superpower Co.), we investigated the over-current characteristics of the coated conductor. The coated conductors had 85 A $I_c$ and 90 K $T_c$. The resistance of the conductor was 0.93 $m{\Omega}/cm$ at 300 K and 0.17 $m{\Omega}/cm$ at the temperature right above $T_c$. To the coated conductors, we applied the voltages of the range from 150 $V_{rms}$ to 230 $V_{rms}$ and measured the V-I curves using four probe method. From the results, we could analyze the electric behavior of the coated conductor in flux flow state. As the current exceed $I_c$, the currents were distributed into the superconductor and metal stabilizer. The amounts of the currents shared through both current paths were calculated under the assumption that the ,Joule heating was perfectly eliminated by $LN_2$ surrounding the conductor. Finally, the condition for the stable current flowing state which does not affect the conductor was established from the analysis on the over-current characteristics.



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