Octree Generation and Clipping Algorithm using Section Curves for Three Dimensional Cartesian Grid Generation

삼차원 직교 격자 생성을 위한 단면 커브를 이용한 옥트리 생성과 셀 절단 알고리듬

  • Published : 2008.12.31


Recently, Cartesian grid approach has been popular to generate grid meshes for complex geometries in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) because it is based on the non-body-fitted technique. This paper presents a method of an octree generation and boundary cell clipping using section curves for fast octree generation and elimination of redundant intersections between boundary cells and triangles from 3D triangular mesh. The proposed octree generation method uses 2D Scan-Converting line algorithm, and the clipping is done by parameterization of vertices from section curves. Experimental results provide octree generation time as well as Cut-cell clipping time of several models. The result shows that the proposed octree generation is fast and has linear relationship between grid generation time and the number of cut-cells.



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